Monday, October 7, 2013

Gold Camp Information

Hello Parents,

Happy Monday!

I have a few announcements for Gold Camp that I would like to let you know about before I send letters home tomorrow.

1.  I will be sending a letter home with your students tomorrow letting you know what the total is for Gold Camp.  Please make out a check payable to OLA for the total amount, and return to OUR CLASSROOM by TUESDAY OCTOBER 15th at the latest.

This is for your eyes only and should not be shared with your child.  Every year we ask the parents to write secret letters for the kids to receive at Gold Camp at bedtime.  The letters can come from any family members and should be filled with happy thoughts, encouragement, questions about the days' activities, etc., etc.  It is important to note that these letters should not say things like "I miss you" since these could have a weepy reaction as "lights out" time approaches.  Feel free to make them as special/creative as you wish...and no one will tell if there is a "midnight snack" enclosed (wink-wink).  Please be sure that your child has something to open both nights and mark them #1 and #2.  Then, as soon as you are able, please return these letters to school in a large envelope marked Miss Jones and the last name of your child.  Do your best to keep this a secret surprise.  Thanks so much!!

I am asking all parents to please participate, as I do not want any children to have their feelings hurt if they do not receive anything. Please let me know if this is something you are not interested in doing.

Please turn these in to our classroom by TUESDAY OCTOBER 15th at the latest.

3. I am attaching the list of items to pack in case you have misplaced it.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to email me at

Thank you,
Miss Jones

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