Thursday, October 10, 2013


Hello Parents,

Can you believe it's already time for Gold Camp?!  I am so excited, and I know the kids are, too!  I just wanted to put a few reminders out there for the next week.

1.  I need your secret letters by Tuesday, October 15th (AT THE LATEST).  I know I just sent out that email on Monday, but I want to make sure I get them on time!  Remember to keep any "treat" small in size, i.e. a Halloween size candy or two.   Please, please, please send them in a large envelope with my name on it as I need to pack them away and make sure that all of the kids have a package. :)

2.  Due to the large amount of kids who suffer from car sickness and small bladders, we are going to be leaving OLA no later than 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning.  This will give us ample time for stopping and still arriving to Columbia by 11:00.  This means that breakfast will be from 7:15-7:55 that morning.  I need the kids arriving here no later than 7:00 a.m. in order to get all of the luggage situated in car groups before breakfast.  For all chaperones, I will talk to Amy to find a place for you to park you car in the morning.

3.  Don't forget to pack money for our day in Columbia and any spending money for the little store and snack shack at Sierra Outdoor School. (I sent home a letter asking you not to send more than $15 per child.)

4.  You need to send your child with a nice, healthy, solid brown bag lunch on Wednesday, October 16th to eat upon our arrival while the kids are being oriented.  After we eat our brown bag lunches from home, we will be diving right into activities in Columbia.

5.  To answer this popular question....NO, the students MAY NOT use their iTouch or DSI as a camera on the trip.  I highly recommend students bring an actual camera, disposable or not.

6.  There are also no iPods, cell phones, iTouches, DSIs, etc. allowed for the car ride.  The kids are more than welcome to bring a book, which I'd suggest anyway, games or puzzles, but there will be NO PERSONAL ELECTRONICS!!  :)
6.  If there are any concerns involving your child and Gold Camp, please come by and see me after school or send me an email!  I'd much rather have you feel at ease than worrying all week! :)

Thank you,
Miss Jones

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