Sunday, December 15, 2013

Last School Week of 2013 Reminders


I have just a few reminders before the last week of school for the year of 2013 begins:

1.  Book reports are due tomorrow, Monday, December 16th.  Puzzles should be cut, and placed into either a paper or plastic bag with the student's name on it.

2.  I will be handing out the individual report portion of the Mission project this week at school.

3.  The Christmas Program is this Thursday, the 19th at 7:00pm:

  • There will be a rehearsal at 1:00pm on Thursday for grandparents and friends who would like to avoid the busier nighttime service.
  • The students are to arrive at 6:30pm at our classroom where they will gather before the program.
4.  There will be no spelling or religion tests on Friday this week.  But there will be a quiz on the Beatitudes on Thursday.

I will be sending out more reminders this week!

Merry Christmas!

Miss Jones

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Book Report Clarification

Hello Parents,

I just wanted to clarify a few of the directions for the mystery book report due next Monday 12/16.

1.  Yes, the pictures/drawings go on the front of the puzzle pieces, while the writing is to go on the back of the puzzle pieces.  For the first puzzle piece (name, book title, author, and rating) the students could draw a picture of the book or an illustration that depicts the title (ex, a red pyramid for The Red Pyramid, etc).

2.  As for the poster board that the puzzle is supposed to be backed with,  I realize that this instruction comes at the end of the list, so many will have already written on the back of the puzzle pieces.  So, I am no longer making it a requirement for the puzzle to be pasted onto poster board.  That being said, if you have already done so, that is fine, but if not, that is also fine.  I am accepting the book reports either way!

Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any more questions about the book report.

Hope you have all been staying warm this weekend!

Miss Jones

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mass on this Sunday November 24th

Hello Parents,

Our class Mass is this Sunday at 10am.  We will be participating with the 4th Grade CCD class.

I know that many of the boys are already committed to the Mother/Son Bowling Activity, and that is fine!!  Everyone else, please let me know if you are able to come! It sounds like it is going to be mostly girls, which is perfectly fine!

Please know that the mass is not mandatory, but I would LOVE to see as many people there as can come.

Tomorrow in class, I will be selecting the students who will be the greeters and bring gifts to the altar.

Thank you,
Miss Jones

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Parent Teacher Conferences and Novel News

Hello and Happy Sunday!

I hope you are all having a nice weekend.  Here are a few updates about the coming weeks.

Parent Teacher Conferences
     This week, school gets out at 12:00, Monday-Friday.  Parent teacher conferences begin promptly at 1:00 each day.
     Each conference is 20 minutes long and the school bells will be programmed to ring every twenty minutes, signaling the end of one conference and the beginning of the next.  With this in mind, I am asking that you please arrive promptly for your conference so that we can utilize the time we have.
     I am looking forward to meeting with you all!

Because of Winn-Dixie
     Starting as early as next week, we are going to be beginning our unit on the novel Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.
     We already have about 25 copies in the classroom, but I was wondering if any families have extra copies that their students can use for the duration or if anyone would be willing to donate copies to the class set.  If so, please send me an email so I know how many more copies I need to order.

4th Grade Leading Mass on Sunday, November 24
     Each month, one of the grades from both CCD and the school, work together to participate in a Sunday Liturgy. In two weeks, the 4th grade class will be participating. The date is Sunday, November 24 at 10am.  
     I am asking that all the students come to the Mass.  Although not all students will be "actively" participating (i.e., greeting and carrying the gifts) we will be working on this as a class during the next few weeks.  If you have a conflict, please send me an email to let me know, otherwise I look forward to seeing everyone there.
     The students do not have to come in their uniforms, regular dress is fine.

Thank you,
Miss Jones

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gold Camp is Tomorrow: Final Reminders

Hello Parents,

Tomorrow is the day! Gold Camp is finally here!

A few last reminders:

1. Medications!
If your child has any medications that will need to go to Gold Camp, please put them in a large Ziploc bag with their name on it.  Inside, have the medication and written instructions for administering.  I will hold all of the medications and distribute as needed.  Your child cannot keep any medicine with them, this includes any allergy meds, even if they are over the counter.  Thank you!
(If they need an inhaler, they are to keep this on them at all times!)

2. Pack a Lunch!
You need to send your child with a nice, healthy, solid brown bag lunch TOMORROW to eat upon our arrival while the kids are being oriented.  After we eat our brown bag lunches from home, we will be diving right into activities in Columbia.

3. Electronics!
There are also no iPods, cell phones, iTouches, DSIs, etc. allowed for the car ride or at camp.  The kids are more than welcome to bring a book, which I'd suggest anyway, games or puzzles, but there will be NO PERSONAL ELECTRONICS!!  :)

4. Money!
Don't forget to pack money for our day in Columbia and any spending money for the little store and snack shack at Sierra Outdoor School. (I recommend no more that $15)


Thank you! 

Miss Jones

Monday, October 14, 2013

Gold Camp...Again (Please Read)

Hi Parents, 

I hope you have had a nice 3 day weekend!


1.  Please, please, please turn in your secret letters tomorrow! Or on Wednesday morning at the VERY LATEST! (I sent home a sealed envelope with your child on friday as a reminder).

2.  Also, if your child has any medications that will need to go to Gold Camp, please put them in a large Ziploc bag with their name on it.  Inside, have the medication and written instructions for administering.  I will hold all of the medications and distribute as needed.  Your child cannot keep any medicine with them, this includes any allergy meds, even if they are over the counter.  Thank you!

3. Our schedule states that we are supposed to arrive back at OLA at 3:30 on Friday the 18th.  I will be sure to keep you updated if we are running ahead or behind schedule.

  • Due to the large amount of kids who suffer from car sickness and small bladders, we are going to be leaving OLA no later than 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning.  This will give us ample time for stopping and still arriving to Columbia by 11:00.  This means that breakfast will be from 7:15-7:55 that morning.  I need the kids arriving here no later than 7:00 a.m. in order to get all of the luggage situated in car groups before breakfast.  
  • Don't forget to pack money for our day in Columbia and any spending money for the little store and snack shack at Sierra Outdoor School. (I recommend no more that $15)
  • You need to send your child with a nice, healthy, solid brown bag lunch on Wednesday, October 16th to eat upon our arrival while the kids are being oriented.  After we eat our brown bag lunches from home, we will be diving right into activities in Columbia.
  • To answer this popular question....NO, the students MAY NOT use their iTouch or DSI as a camera on the trip.  It is recommended  bring an actual camera, disposable or not.
  • There are also no iPods, cell phones, iTouches, DSIs, etc. allowed for the car ride.  The kids are more than welcome to bring a book, which I'd suggest anyway, games or puzzles, but there will be NO PERSONAL ELECTRONICS!!  :)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me! :)

Thank you,
Miss Jones

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Hello Parents,

Can you believe it's already time for Gold Camp?!  I am so excited, and I know the kids are, too!  I just wanted to put a few reminders out there for the next week.

1.  I need your secret letters by Tuesday, October 15th (AT THE LATEST).  I know I just sent out that email on Monday, but I want to make sure I get them on time!  Remember to keep any "treat" small in size, i.e. a Halloween size candy or two.   Please, please, please send them in a large envelope with my name on it as I need to pack them away and make sure that all of the kids have a package. :)

2.  Due to the large amount of kids who suffer from car sickness and small bladders, we are going to be leaving OLA no later than 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning.  This will give us ample time for stopping and still arriving to Columbia by 11:00.  This means that breakfast will be from 7:15-7:55 that morning.  I need the kids arriving here no later than 7:00 a.m. in order to get all of the luggage situated in car groups before breakfast.  For all chaperones, I will talk to Amy to find a place for you to park you car in the morning.

3.  Don't forget to pack money for our day in Columbia and any spending money for the little store and snack shack at Sierra Outdoor School. (I sent home a letter asking you not to send more than $15 per child.)

4.  You need to send your child with a nice, healthy, solid brown bag lunch on Wednesday, October 16th to eat upon our arrival while the kids are being oriented.  After we eat our brown bag lunches from home, we will be diving right into activities in Columbia.

5.  To answer this popular question....NO, the students MAY NOT use their iTouch or DSI as a camera on the trip.  I highly recommend students bring an actual camera, disposable or not.

6.  There are also no iPods, cell phones, iTouches, DSIs, etc. allowed for the car ride.  The kids are more than welcome to bring a book, which I'd suggest anyway, games or puzzles, but there will be NO PERSONAL ELECTRONICS!!  :)
6.  If there are any concerns involving your child and Gold Camp, please come by and see me after school or send me an email!  I'd much rather have you feel at ease than worrying all week! :)

Thank you,
Miss Jones